Tyrannosaurus Rex
Schleich Dinosaurs
The Schleich Dinosaurs have been made since the 1990's and are one of the most popular Schleich items available.
The figures are all highly detailed, hand painted and very sturdy for both the collector and those that want to
play more actively with the figures. In 2012, Schleich have gone a step further and the carnivorous dinosaurs
have moveable jaws! The Schleich range of dinosaurs contains all the favorites from Triceratops through to the
fearsome Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Click here for Schleich Dinosaurs at Toy Dreamer
Tyrannosaurus Rex
The thirteen metre long Tyrannosaurus Rex was a two legged predatory dinosaur. With its powerful head and nearly 20 centimetre
long teeth, this dinosaur was an extremely impressive contemporary. If this powerful predatory dinosaur lost one of its dagger-like
teeth, a new one would grow back within a matter of weeks. Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex looked quite threatening, it could hardly
use its front legs armed with just two claws since they did not even reach his mouth. Nearly seven metres tall and thirteen metres
long, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was probably not a very skilled hunter, but rather a scavenger which probably fed on the leavings
of other animals. It had more than fifty teeth measuring more than 15 centimetres in length which it used not for chewing but
rather for tearing, since it swallowed its food in large chunks. To improve depth-perception when searching for food, the eyes
of the Tyrannosaurus Rex were oriented toward the front such that the fields of vision of both eyes overlapped.
Schleich Tyrannosaurus Rex figures:
Schleich 14502 Tyrannosaurus Rex (small),
Schleich 14525 Tyrannosaurus Rex,
Schleich 15401 Carnegie: T-Rex,
Schleich 16448 Tyrannosaurus Rex, moving,
Schleich 16454 Tyrannosaurus Rex, standing
Triceratops had a head as high as a person with two large horns and one small one as well as giant ruff. This nine metre long
dinosaur measuring twelve tons was a well-fortified, massively armed herbivore. Although the Triceratops looked menacing, it fed
on plants and trees. As a herbivore, it was hunted by Tyrannosaurus Rex. The front part of its jaw was shaped like a parrot's beak
which it used to tear apart the plants it ate. The Triceratops had three horns made of keratin, the same protein fingernails and
hair are made of. The horns over its eyes were nearly a metre long. Because its head weighed as much as a small car and made up
almost one third of its body, it also had a very heavy tail to keep its ten metre long body in balance. Its legs were very strong,
like those of a modern elephant.
This flying reptile had a thin body and an enormous wingspan of up to thirteen metres. This dinosaur owes its hard to pronounce
name to the Central American deity Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatlus, named after an Aztec deity, was the largest animal capable of
flight ever found. With its impressive wingspan of over thirteen metres, this reptile also had a long neck and head and legs
measuring almost three metres in length. Covered in a light fur, this reptile was built like a bird, equipped with hollow bones
and sturdy wings for flight with the ability to skim waters for food. Despite its size, Quetzalcoatlus probably only weighed a
few hundred pounds.
Standing on its own two feet, this dinosaur liked to show off its crested head and S-shaped neck. f the two crests on his head
were put together, they would be about the same size as a dinner plate. Speedy and lean, this carnivore picked up scraps for supper.
At twenty feet long, Dilophosaurus weighed half a ton. With three claws on its hands, this dinosaur had an extra claw on its feet
called a dewclaw. Light on his feet, Dilophosaurus left footprints similar to birds and could run surprisingly fast.
Due to the striking spikes on its tail and back plates, the Stegosaurus is one of best-known dinosaurs. The plates on its back
protected the Stegosaurus from attack and its spiked tail was an effective weapon. With its interesting, prominent features, the
Stegosaurus was a herbivore with plates on its back, a spiked tail, small head and long legs. With seventeen plates and spikes
measuring about 30 centimetres in length, this dinosaur was always ready to defend itself. Measuring ten metres in length, the
Stegosaurus had a brain no bigger than a walnut. Its hind legs were twice as long as its front ones.
Although smaller than other dinosaurs, this fearless fighter was known for its fierce claws. This dinosaur had a retractable,
sickle-shaped claw on the middle toe of each foot that was as long as a golf pencil. Velociraptors were probably very intelligent
dinosaurs who hunted in packs. Although they were only 70 centimetres tall, these carnivores could overpower significantly larger
prey. These dinosaurs reached speeds of up to 65 km/hour and were able to make quick turns thanks to their stiff tails. To eat their
prey, Velociraptors had eighty sharp, curved teeth in their flat snout, some of which were 2.5 cm long. Velociraptors are thought
to be one of the most intelligent and swiftest dinosaurs. A cunning hunter.
Saichania was a herbivore measuring up to seven metres long. Its body was armoured from head to toe. It had spike-like protrusions
all over its body and head. Saichania loosely means "beauty." Of course, this doesn't refer to its armoured appearance. Rather,
the people who discovered it were very happy about the well preserved skeleton. Around twenty feet long, Saichania was covered in
armor, studded in spikes. With a tail like a club, it was ready to defend himself from predators. With complex airways and an
unusually hard palate, this dinosaur was fit for its habitat in the desert eating rough plants.
With horns above its eyes and claws on its hands, Allosaurus would make a better ally than enemy. As a teenager, Allosaurus could
gain as much as one tenth its adult body weight. Standing more than five metres high and weighing more than a tonne, the Allosaurus
was the largest carnivore of its time. It had a unique skeleton. Instead of having ribs that were attached to other bones in its
body, this dinosaur had ribs that were attached to its skin. The bones in its back were bulky and heavy. Although it had short arms,
its front feet were armed with sharp claws which it could use to catch its victims. The Allosaurus often hunted in groups, which
made it easier to catch its prey. The Allosaurus was an intelligent, aggressive predator with a lifespan of up to twenty years.
Spinosaurus had an unmistakable fan-shaped fin on its back. The fan-shaped fin could have been six feet tall! his deadly carnivore
weighed several tonnes and could grow to be up to 17 metres long! The Spinosaurus had multiple sharp, straight teeth in its
crocodile-like mouth. Its meals mainly consisted of other dinosaurs or fish. The intelligently designed sail on its back served
several functions. In cold-blooded dinosaurs, the sail probably contributed to vital temperature regulation by collecting or
distributing heat. It also served to impress potential mates.
Fashion-forward, this dinosaur sports a rounded beak and a long crest. This long crest could be six feet long, as long as the
average adult human is tall! Almost 13 metres long, the Parasaurolophus weighed two tonnes! This dinosaur with its long bony crest
on its head and rounded beak was a curious sight. The ridge may have served three purposes: one, to produce a distinct call; two,
to improve his sense of smell; and three, to attract a mate. With its toothless beak, it probably grazed on tree leaves.
The Apatosaurus was a sluggish plant-eater measuring up to 25 metres long. The Apatosaurus is one of the longest animals to have
ever walked the earth. It is also known as the Brontosaurus. This herbivore armed with pencil-like teeth spent most of its time
grazing and swallowing its food without chewing. Despite its small head and even smaller brain, this was one of the largest
land animals ever existing. With a length of 25 metres and hip height of more than three metres, this dinosaur weighed almost
forty tonnes. Its tail alone could reach a length of 17 metres! In terms of age, it wasn't rare for an Apatosaurus to live to
be a hundred.
Click here for Schleich Dinosaurs at Toy Dreamer